Psychology Speaking Club

We are "Psychology Speaking Club" and we are holding speaking meetings for everyone who � need more English speaking practice � are interested in how a human mind works � want to speak about deep topics with other conscious people � want to change their life to the better � need support and friendly faces around! We create a friendly and favourable atmosphere to talk about something that is really important. To attend our meetings you do not have to be a psychologist or know English perfectly well. In case you have any questions, do not hesistate to get in touch!


Москва 16 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 21:00, 1949 дней назад

Тренинг для тех, кто хочет попрактиковать английский в необычной обстановке, узнать о своем эмоциональном интеллекте и получить полезные навыки управления своими эмоциями.


Москва 18 мая 2019 c 14:00 до 17:00, 1978 дней назад

Hi! Are you familiar with what we do? We are a club for English lovers who sre interested in human mind processes. We talk and work on deep topics and gather for speaking meetings or longer workshops. Soon our workshop 'Life transformation NLP techniques' is coming! You`ll find more info below. Would you like to change your emotional state at times? Are you satisfied with the way you live? Do you think that living the life of your dream is impossible? These are the questions to answer at our next workshop 'Life transformation NLP techniques' What is NLP? N for 'neurology', i.e


Москва 4 мая 2019 c 11:00 до 14:00, 1992 дня назад

Hello everyone! We are a community of enthusiastic and looking for constant self-growth people! We hold speaking meetings every week in Moscow and once a month it is time for bigger workshops. The workshop "Training Emotional Intelligence" is made for you if you are interested in better self understanding, learning to listen accurately and enhancing your communication skills. It is held in English only and is based on Positive Psychology theory. . Дорогие друзья, данный тренинг проводится на английском языке и построен на принципах позитивной психологии. Мы - сообщество энтузиастов, которые стремятся к постоянному личностному росту. Мы регулярно устраиваем разговорные встречи в уютных московских кафе и раз в месяц практические тренинги. Приходите потренировать свои мышцы души in English!


Москва 23 марта 2019 c 10:00 до 13:00, 2034 дня назад

Hello everyone! We are a community of enthusiastic and looking for constant self-growth people! We hold speaking meetings every week in Moscow and once a month it is time for bigger workshops. The workshop "Training Emotional Intelligence" is made for you if you are interested in better self understanding, learning to listen accurately and enhancing your communication skills. It is held in English only and is based on Positive Psychology theory. . Дорогие друзья, данный тренинг проводится на английском языке и построен на принципах позитивной психологии. Мы - сообщество энтузиастов, которые стремятся к постоянному личностному росту. Мы регулярно устраиваем разговорные встречи в уютных московских кафе и раз в месяц практические тренинги. Приходите потренировать свои мышцы души in English!


15 декабря 2018 c 11:00 до 13:00, 2132 дня назад

How good are you at setting and reaching your goals? Why is it so important for each of us? What can be the troubles with it? And how do we overcome them?


Москва 1 декабря 2018 c 11:00 до 13:00, 2146 дней назад

Let`s gather to speak about vital psychological and philosophic questions in English only, shall we? Next topic is -> "The Art of Giving and Receiving". Be quick to sign up!
